We are all about helping people find hope by sharing the Good News and leading them into discipleship.

The Legacy
of ShekinahGO

This is our legacy. We have worked hard to create a ShekinahGO Structure, which clearly outlines who we are, what we do, and how we serve God’s children.

Please take a look at the structure above and see how you can become involved!

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Our hearts are brimming with excitement as we look forward to keeping you up-to-date with all the remarkable happenings at ShekinahGO.

Prepare to be inspired by incredible testimonies of the transformative work that God is doing in the lives of our residents.

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Investing in ShekinahGO means that lives will continue to be transformed by the Good News that God can give us freedom from addictions and life-controlling issues and bring us into family. Give a one-time donation or become a monthly partner in the mission.

Every little bit helps.

The Transformation of Lauretta Charters

My life was spinning out of control at age 9. I confronted sexual abuse and was thrown out of my so-called “family home.” 

I loved my mother but I had issues with my father. I spiraled in my addiction for 45 years, served 15 years in provincial and federal institutions. In 2014, I received my last federal sentence, and I made the decision to change my life, not knowing what or how. At the age of 52, I decided to attend every chapel service. I met Jolly Farmers there in chapel, and started my new life in Christ. 

Daniel and Sue English introduced me to the idea of Naomi & Ruth. I came to Naomi & Ruth in 2017 and I was unsure of participating in church 7 days a week. I made the plan to get out. But Jesus had another plan. He gave me spiritual parents that showed me love, Francine and Norm. 

Jesus gave me the understanding of the Trinity, 3 in 1, and with God’s hand upon me, I took several positions at Naomi & Ruth, and finally I accepted the Director seat in 2019. 

In 2022, Cal reached out to see if I would be interested in him teaching the Overcomers 12-Step. I accepted his proposal. Shortly after, Cal started ShekinahGO. I felt God drawing the women of Naomi & Ruth Rehabilitation Centre to attend the programs of ShekinahGO. 

ShekinahGO gave me spiritual parents in Rose and Cal, who helped me in every aspect of my life and helped me to mature in the Lord. 

ShekinahGO gives me the spiritual understanding of family, brothers, sisters, coworkers, and tons of mentorship. 

The teachings I receive there are the cause of my spiritual explosion. 

5 days a week, different teachers with an awesome understanding of love, hope, faith and life, share with us. 

What motivated me to share my story with others?

I feel that sharing my journey with ShekinahGO can help others. For what God has done for me, He will do for others. 

I now have a purpose and a plan, ordained by Jesus Christ. 

God uses the most broken people that turn their care over to Him, as He instructs them, to lead them into a path of righteousness.